This programme focuses on advanced computer science topics, specializing in data-intensive applications.
The objective of the programme is to prepare students for demanding professional activities at the interface between the specialist departments and the IT department of a company. The Master's…
The master’s degree program has a sound scientific basis and, at the same time, is particularly application oriented with a focus on the practical side. It offers particularly qualified students the…
Based on the knowledge acquired in the Bachelor's programme, the students will have developed sound scientific foundations. This enables them to work independently and with a well-founded theoretical…
The master’s degree programme is an advanced course of study and qualifies graduates for leadership and management tasks in a technical environment.
The master’s degree in energy management provides in-depth, professional knowledge that goes beyond the bachelor’s degree and that is required to cope with the challenges of current and future energy…
The master’s degree program in food economy (M.Eng.) delves deeper into the topics of the bachelor’s degree program. It focuses on the economic aspects of food production.
The programme provides students with advanced engineering and business management knowledge and prepares them for leadership in production-oriented management in industrial companies.
The master's degree programme links competences from electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and building, supply and energy technology and promotes an understanding of other disciplines.
With the completion of this scientifically-oriented master’s degree programme, graduates receive a qualification that offers them excellent prospects on the industrial job market.
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