Representing the Jordanian partner university were Prof. Dr. Reiner Finkeldey, Vice President for International Affairs, Dr. Omaimah Ali, Dr. Osama Saadeh, Dr. Farah Alatrash and Ms. Rawan Rawhi Said Khattab. The guests were welcomed by the Dean of the Design Campus, Prof. Dr. Matthias Sieveke, and the Dean of the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld, Prof. Dr. Klaus Helling, in the auditorium at Paulusplatz. The Managing Director of the ifas Institute (Institute for Applied Material Flow Management), Prof. Dr. Peter Heck, also welcomed the delegation. In his subsequent presentation, Prof. Dr. Georg Schneider introduced the work of the International Office at Trier University of Applied Sciences.
Based on a study on revitalization and sustainability, architecture students David Jungbluth and Marc Pasucha presented their architectural model for the construction of the new university in Jordan. As part of a campus tour, the guests then had the opportunity to gain an insight into the workshops and laboratories at the Design Campus. After a break, the course contents of the Jordanian SABE (School of Architecture and Built Environment) and SNREM (School of Natural Resources Engineering and Management) were presented. The guests were then given a guided tour of the city to discover Trier's architectural and cultural heritage.
University President Prof. Dr. Dorit Schumann welcomed the group in the evening. She herself taught at the German-Jordanian University for 3 years and was Vice President for International Affairs. She was responsible for teaching, research, knowledge transfer and representing the university in all matters relating to Germany and Europe.
On the second day of the delegation's visit, the group toured the Birkenfeld environmental campus and the gemstone and jewelry study location in Idar-Oberstein. The next workshops on "Architecture and Sustainability" are already planned for fall 2024 in Amman and at the Birkenfeld Environmental Campus. The aim is to build on the workshop results and develop future project plans.
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