Campus for Design and Art, Gemstones and Jewellery, News

Intimate Relationships. The 2nd Vonmo Contemporary Art Jewelry Exhibition 2021 with Pei Wu (MFA 2020)

[Translate to Englisch:] "Parent, Past Life, Teddy Bear / 孝 Xiào (filial piety)", Brosche, Rosenquartz, Gold, 2020, Foto © Ucic Art Jewelry

from 13 to 17 October 2021 in Beijing and Shanghai

On 4 October 2021, the second VONMO "Intimate Relationships" Contemporary Art Jewelry Exhibition (Beijing), curated by Felicia Li, officially opened at LANNG SPACE Art Center, Vintage, China World Trade Center. There were 210 exhibits from 72 artists from around the world. The jewellery artists showed their interpretations of "intimate relationships".

Pei Wu (MFA 2020) shows her graduation work

Parent, Past Life, Teddy Bear

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