Publication Service: Open Access

Service for authors

The library offers members of Trier University of Applied Sciences the opportunity to republish their work and research results on the OPUS document server (green road to Open Access).

Unfortunately, the open access publication fund of Trier UAS is currently exhausted. Financial support is not possible until further notice.

Link: Open Access information page (cross-location)

Short Info

General: Open Access

Open Access (OA) is understood to mean free and unrestricted access to scientific information on the Internet. Documents published in OA can be accessed, downloaded and used free of charge by all interested parties.

The costs of OA publications are often financed by the authors through "article process charges" (APCs). Trier University of Applied Sciences has set up a publication fund to provide financial support for its publishers.

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Publication server OPUS Trier UAS

The publication server OPUS HS Trier offers all authors of the university the possibility to publish electronic documents in Open Access via the green or grey road.

Green road: You republish an article published in the classic closed access mode under an OA licence - provided your publisher gives permission (keyword: embargo periods).

Grey road: You do not publish your paper via a publisher, but make it directly available to the public as grey literature in Open Access.

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The ORCID iD (Open Research and Contributer iD) is an internationally recognised identification number for academics.

To be eligible for publication funding from Trier University of Applied Sciences, your publication must be linked to your ORCID profile via your ORCID iD.

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Persistent identifier

Persistent identifiers are assigned in order to reliably and permanently find, identify and cite physical, digital or abstract objects.

The specification of a special identifier (DOI) is required for the use of the publication fund.

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Dr. Stefan Bagusche

Library Trier UAS

Phone: 06782 17-2012

E-mail: openaccess[at]

Web Editing Library

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