8 results:

1. Pascal Haupers

Pascal Haupers | Beschäftigter Zentrale Dienste, haupers@hochschule-trier.de, +49 151 18993383, Schneidershof, S-T113

URL: /en/search-for-persons/detail-of-person/contact/pascal-haupers-789

2. Pascal Dickmann

Pascal Dickmann | Beschäftigter IfaS, p.dickmann@umwelt-campus.de, +49 6782 17-1544, Birkenfeld

URL: /en/search-for-persons/detail-of-person/contact/pascal-dickmann-1323

3. Pascal Paulus, M.Eng.

Pascal Paulus, M.Eng. | Beschäftigter FB Umweltplanung/Umwelttechnik - FR Maschinenbau, p.paulus@umwelt-campus.de, +49 6782 17-1993, Birkenfeld, 9916-148

URL: /en/search-for-persons/detail-of-person/contact/pascal-paulus-2526

4. Fuel Cell Centre

… 17 15 06 Fax +49 (0) 67 82 - 17 12 61 Mob +49 (0) 1 76 - 22 01 28 86 v.loos@umwelt-campus.de B.Eng. (Engineering Physics) Pascal Alexander Koch Construction and diagnostics of lithium ion batteries Project leader EU Interreg Oberrhein-Projekt VEHICLE…

URL: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/research/institutes/fuel-cell-centre

5. Petr Dvorak MFA

… "Pascal Mercier complained of the loudness of the pronouncements about success and failure, about competition and ratings – and that in instances where they had no place. The culture that he yearned for would be a calm culture, a culture of stillness, in which things…

URL: /en/campus-for-design-and-art/dept-of-gemstones-and-jewellery/made-in-io/graduation-works/thesisvorlage-mfa-21

6. Energy Tools

… Sundays. ↧ Download Excel tool for load profile analysis. The tool is available in German. Collaboration on the tool by Pascal Schäfer. Citation: Schäfer, Pascal; te Heesen, Henrik (2023). Load profile analysis (Version: 23 January 2023) [Computer…

URL: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/energytools

7. Economics

… focus, several literature databases (with their psychology-relevant parts) can be searched together: - PSYNDEX - PASCAL - ISOC-Psicologia - MEDLINE - ERIC - NARCIS - NORART - PsychOpen - PsychData (DBIS 4/2023) …

URL: /en/main-campus/campus/organisation/service-facilities/library/search-subject-areas/economics

8. External lecturer

… -management" R.Recktenwald@hochschule-trier.de Dr. Verena Stumm "Entwicklungs- und Biopsychologie" V.Stumm@hochschule-trier.de Pascale Tüscher "Français économique" and "Französisch-Aufbaukurse" P.Tuescher@hochschule-trier.de Lukas Wagner "Einführung in das…

URL: /en/main-campus/wirtschaft/department/persons/external-lecturer

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