9:00 o´clock Welcome
9:30 o´clock Prof. Dr. Kenesei György, MATE-University, Budapest, Hungary
„Flexitarian Diet from Technological Perspective – What We’ll Eat Tomorrow“
10:20 o´clock Sabrina Greuel, Gerolsteiner Brunnen GmbH & Co. KG, Gerolstein
„From well to costumer - Sustainable commitment to people and the environment at Gerolsteiner" (in German)
11:10 o´clock Prof. Dr. Prof. h.c. Swoboda, University of Trier
„Sustainability in International Consumer Goods Companies. Challenges and Opportunities in three Best Practices.“ (in German)
12:00 o´clock Lunch and Poster Session
13:00 o´clock General Meeting of the Food Technology Alumni and Support Association Trier e.V.
14:00 o´clock Tandem-Prof. Dr. Michael Féchir, Hochschule Trier & Bitburger Braugruppe GmbH
„Plant Proteins – Potentials for a Sustainable Future“ (in German)
14:40 o´clock Prof. Dr. Heiko Oertling, Hochschule Trier
„Salt & Sugar – Too Much of a Good Thing?“ (in German)
15:20 o´clock Coffee & Cake
15:50 o´clock Prof. Dr. Markus Stieger, Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands
„A Question of Taste: Influence of the Structure of Food on Sensory Perception and Digestion” (in German)
16:30 o´clock Prof. Dr. Ciaran Forde, Wageningen University & Research, Netherlands
„Exploring the Potential of Sensory to Enhance Quality of Life”
17:30 o´clock Graduation Ceremony 2024
Ceremony for the graduating Bachelor & Master students 2023/2024 & lectures „Best Thesis“
19:00 o´clock Evening Reception & Alumni Meeting
Celebration dinner and live music
Cost contribution:
The cost contribution of € 99 covers the food during breaks, lunch and the evening buffet. (Students pay € 25; Student members of the alumni association are free of charge)
Registration only for the graduation ceremony and the evening event is also possible.
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