Intelligence Shot

Prof. Dr. Ernst Haffner: The eTRainer, which has been used for years for the individualized generation of exercises, is to be equipped with AI components ("Intelligence Shot") as part of this measure.Currently, the generation of (predominantly but not exclusively mathematical) exercises takes place purely randomly according to a preset type and level of difficulty.

01. FEBRUARY 2022

Further information

Project Idea

The idea of the Intelligence Shot is to analyze the students' level of knowledge according to the tasks they have already completed. Gaps in knowledge can be filled with the help of the eTrainer.


An extension of the knowledge tracking model "Deep Knowledge Tracing plus" is used. In addition to the learner's task history, the knowledge concepts behind the individual modules are included in the prediction for knowledge tracing. The aim of the prediction is to model the learner's current level of knowledge by giving the model a probability for each question and level of difficulty with which the student will answer the next question correctly.

Current status

The development of the AI component is almost complete. It is already possible to predict with an accuracy of over 98% whether a student will solve the next task of a certain type correctly or not. All that is missing is a stable integration into the eTRainer and options for retraining the AI with new data.
The eTRainer had to be re-implemented due to technical difficulties. This implementation is currently in its final stages. A first test run with students has already taken place. The feedback was predominantly positive.

Current challenges

The development is largely complete. Now it is a matter of clarifying the final details, deploying the individual components together as an executable system and evaluating them.

Student projects

From time to time, student projects are advertised as part of the eTRainer Intelligence Shot. These are often posted in the B building on the first floor or next to B208. Alternatively, these can also sometimes be found under VAPS or can be requested directly from Prof. Dr.  Haffner.

Further information on the eTRainer

Additional information on the eTRainer can be found here

Prof. Dr. Ernst Georg Haffner
Prof. Dr. Ernst Georg Haffner, rer. nat.
Professor FB Technik


+49 651 8103-338


Schneidershof | Building B | Room 208
Joshua Meiser
Beschäftigter FB Technik


+49 651 8103-436


Schneidershof | Building B | Room 207


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