246 results:

1. Ada Lovelace-Project

… is financed by the county government Rhineland-Palatinate and by the European social funds. ALP of universities of Trier: www.ada-lovelace.com/trier Ada Lovelace-Project

URL: /en/university/organisation/services/gsb/mentoring/ada-lovelace-project

2. Information for Prospective Students

… and young women in MINT training occupations inform, advise and support schoolgirls. Current dates can be found at www.ada-lovelace.com/trier. If you have any questions regarding the content of a particular degree programme or would like to…

URL: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/study/study-programmes-continuing-education/information-for-prospective-students

3. Study Programs at UCB

Bachelor's Degree Program SBT: "Sustainable Business and Technology" - three years OR one or two semester exchange: www.umwelt-campus.de/sbt Exchange Program “Environment and Technology” (Bachelor) - one or two semester exchange:

URL: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/international/incomings/study-programs-at-ucb

4. Arrival

Arrival & Transport Arrival: Students from the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) and from some other countries can enter Germany without a visa. As a rule, all other international students need a visa - especially if they

URL: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/international/incomings/arrival

5. Universidade de Coimbra

Homepage https://www.uc.pt/en/driic/mobilidade/in/ https://www.uc.pt/feuc/ Campus location Coimbra Study level Bachelor or Master Requirements Portuguese, English (B1, B2) Lecture languages Portuguese, English Semester times Winter

URL: /en/hauptcampus/wirtschaft/international-wir/partnerhochschulen-wir/alle-hochschulen/universidade-de-coimbra

6. Universitat International de Catallunya

Homepage https://www.uic.es/en/international/study-uic-barcelona https://www.uic.es/es Campus location Barcelona Study level Bachelor Requirements Spanish B2 or English B2 Lecture Languages English or Spanish Possible exchange duration one

URL: /en/hauptcampus/wirtschaft/international-wir/partnerhochschulen-wir/alle-hochschulen/universitat-international-de-catallunya

7. International College of Management Sydney

International College of Management Sydney Homepage https://www.international-student-office.org/studieren-in-australien/ https://www.icms.edu.au/ Campus location Sydney, Australia Study level Bachelor Requirements TOEFL IBT: 69

URL: /en/main-campus/wirtschaft/international-wir/partner-universities/overview-of-partner-universities/international-college-of-management-sydney

8. Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Homepage https://www.ucm.es/english/incoming-mobility https://economicasyempresariales.ucm.es/guias-docentes-2 Camus location Madrid Study level Bachelor Requirements Spanish B1, English B2 Lecture languages mostly Spanish, but also a

URL: /en/hauptcampus/wirtschaft/international-wir/partnerhochschulen-wir/alle-hochschulen/universidad-complutense-de-madrid

9. Energy Technology

Renewable Energy Lab Prof. Dr. Henrik te Heesen Institute for Operations and Technology Management Environmental Campus Birkenfeld Navigation Welcome Podcast Students Research Companies/Municipalities About me Workgroup

URL: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/persoenliche-webseiten/prof-dr-henrik-te-heesen/students/lectures/energy-technology

10. Contact

Postal address Hochschule Trier, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld Postfach 13 80 55761 Birkenfeld Telefon: +49 6782 17-1819 Telefax: +49 6782 17-1317 Contact address Delivery address Hochschule Trier, Umwelt-Campus Birkenfeld  Campusallee

URL: https://www.umwelt-campus.de/en/contact

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