Master's Application

Admission to the procedure requires a written application, which must be submitted to the head of the Department of Interior Design of the Design Faculty of Trier University of Applied Sciences by January 1st or July 1st of each year. The application must be submitted by the deadline and include the following documents:

- an informal application with details of previous education,

- a portfolio with five independent work samples. The individual work samples are to be understood as a work unit, i.e. they can consist of several individual components, a project outline explaining what the students want to realize in the Master's program and why they have decided to pursue a Master's degree in the Design Department at the HS Trier. The ideas, expectations and goals for this Master's program and the desired professional activity must be explained. Theproject outline must be in the form of a written exposé of maximum five pages. This can already describe a topic for the Master's thesis.

- A list of the submitted work must be attached to the portfolio or the portfolio must be provided with a table of contents.

- In addition, a written declaration by the applicant that he or she has carried out the work independently must be enclosed.

The portfolio will be handed over again at the end of the assessment procedure. The project outline becomes the property of the Design Department of the Trier University of Applied Sciences. The submitted work samples should not exceed the dimensions of DIN-A2. Three-dimensional objects are to be submitted exclusively as pictures (photo, drawing). Digital works may be submitted on digital media that can be written on at once (e.g. CD-ROM, DVD, etc.). WWW pages must, if possible, be submitted offline. Dynamic WWW pages can be presented by specifying the URL. Digital data carriers such as CD-ROM and DVD are otherwise only permitted if their contents can be presented exclusively via such digital media. Film samples are only to be submitted as a video copy on CD-ROM or DVD (or digital media that can be written on once). The digital data carriers and the WWW pages must always be accompanied by information on technical requirements and a table of contents with illustrations (e.g. booklet).


Fachrichtung Innenarchitektur
Sekretariat Raum 214
Paulusplatz 4
54290 Trier

Phone.: +49 (0)651 8103-140
Fax: +49 (0) 651 8103 146


Application for the Master's Degree

will take place on Wednesday, 06.11.19 from 11:30-12:30

Register with:
Petra Maas: 0651-8103-140 or p.maas(at), further dates by arrangement

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