In essence, communication design means the effective conveyance of messages to different target and addressee groups through visual and media concepts and different communicative strategies. The design work is oriented towards individual tasks and searches for suitable, effective and specific problem solutions. The focus is less on individual creative work than on graphic systems and communication design concepts. This requires thinking, planning and designing in conceptual contexts. This describes a broad as well as varied field of tasks in which students can acquire a wide range of competences and skills during the Bachelor's programme and the subsequent Master's programme. Communication design is the visualization artist among the design courses. Due to the constantly developing design and media technologies, there are always new design and communicative possibilities and tasks that make the professional field of a communication designer dynamic and exciting.
Asbagholmodjahedin, Boback, Dipl. Des.
Special fields: Drawing / Design
Bulanda-Pantalacci, Anna, Dipl.-Graph. M.A.
Cultural representative of the Trier University of Applied Sciences
Special fields: Drawing, Design 2D, Experimental Design
Hogan, Andreas, Dipl. Des.
Head of department
Special fields: Font design, design typography
Ledwig, Christopher, Dipl. Des.
Special fields: Digital Media
Sauvant, Henriette, Dipl.-Des.
Special fields: Design Book
Schröder, PD Dr. Phil. habil. Gerald
Special fields: History of art and design
Vaske, Hermann, Dipl. Komm.
Special fields: Design Advertising, Conceptual Design
Neuer, Till, Dipl. Des., Teacher for professional practice
Special fields: Typographic basics, printing techniques, workshop management
Andres, Achim
Media Designer - Software Training
Baeger, Annina, M.A.
Assistant Department of Communication Design
Hanke, Reinhard
Secretary's office
Lutz, Bernhard-Matthias
Photo-technical basics
Morrison, Harry Alexander
Field: Original Graphic Techniques
Thieltges, Frank
Printing technique
Brenner, Thomas
Field: Photography
Morrison, Harry Alexander
Field: Original Graphic Techniques
Tänzer, Nicholas Maximilian
Field: Psychology
Willems, Edouard
Field: Bookbinding
Yesilcimen, Dogukan
Field: Job description / Professional practice
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